Carolina Panthers Russell Okung Puts half of NFL Salary in Bitcoin

Investors in Bitcoin isn’t just for us ‘arm-chair’ quarterbacks standing on the sidelines, there’s one NFL star that has taken the BTC plunge, and the latest is Carolina Panthers Offensive Lineman Russell Okung who put half of his 2020, $13 million dollar  salary in Bitcoin.

Okung is an 11 year NFL Veteran and the vet appears to be making all the right moves when it comes to his cheddar. Back in December, Okung decided that he wanted half of his $13 million contract for 2020 in Bitcoin.

He got his wish when he asked to be “paid” in Bitcoin.

Bitcoin is currently in a Bull-Market and with these favorable market conditions pushing BTC’s continued rise in value week after week, it seems that Okung made the right decision at the exact right moment.

If we are looking at where Bitcoin is at now, Okung could be considered one of the highest salaried NFL players at this moment.


“For instance, when BTC hit $44k, the half of his contract that is paid in BTC climbed to $10.59 million, at $56k+ his half turned into more than his entire quoted salary. As far as 2020 NFL salary stats are concerned, Okung has entered the top five position. However, the NFL has recently decided to cap the league’s salaries at $180 million and a ball player’s contract could change in 2021. Because the Carolina Panthers’ offensive tackle (OT) gets half of his salary in BTC, many proponents think of him as the highest-paid player in the NFL and not just ahead of the highest-paid OTs.”

One person went as far as to state that Okung is now the “highest-paid player in the NFL”. While a group of other people on Twitter made it known to the public that Okung made a smart move by putting some of his money in Bitcoin.


Okung has been a fan of wanting to be paid in Bitcoin for some time now, and that he is paying off for him in ways no one would have expected.

“Money is more than currency; it’s power,” said Okung in a statement. “The way money is handled from creation to dissemination is part of that power. Getting paid in bitcoin is the first step of opting out of the corrupt, manipulated economy we all inhabit.”

Okung went further into that statement adding:

“When we are all paid in bitcoin, no one can tell us what to do with the value we create … In a post-fiat world, you won’t have to worry about your labor and time being stolen.”

 Russell Okung

Russell Okung is now a Trail-Blazer of sorts for Pro Athletes, as moving forward you will see more athletes opting for a portion of their salary to be paid in Bitcoin.

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